Behind The Sound

HIVEsplaining: Your Ears

Saturday 27 February, 4:00 am - 5:00 am

Suitability: 14 Yrs +

Free - Donations Welcome

Belfast’s resident weirdo vocal group HIVE Choir are breaking the 4th wall of the laptop screen to bring you an interactive online concert. HIVE Choir love finding interesting tidbits from books, articles and deep corners of the internet, cutting them up and turning it into music. This year, they’re using their deep-diving skills to teach you everything they think you need to know about a subject of their choice, in the first-ever HIVEsplaining! And their chosen subject is… the human ear!

So join HIVE Choir for an artistic exploration of the science behind your hearing. Using alternative musical notation, improvisation, and sound games, HIVE will take you on an adventure through the world of aural diversity.

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Queens Univeristy